
how to design a balcony


Balcony’ means a horizontal cantilever projection including a handrail or balustrade, to serve as passage or sit out place. AS PER BBMP

Balcony at roof slab level of 1.2 m. width and area not exceeding 3.5 sq m. per bedroom but not exceeding 3 in number per flat.  AS per NATIONAL BUILDING CODE (NBC) INDIA

Balcony having entrance from the toilet/bathroom and width as 1.2 m. for drying clothes, can also be called utility.

Balcony are designed according to users requirement . balcony are designed after all set back s are taken into consideration.

It’s difficult to sell a unit without a balcony – a space where family can sit and relax

But balconies are poorly deigned and end up for storage purpose .

They are costly to build balconies they become a burden then asset.


How to design a BALCONIES   

A)    Dimensions ------ 2 feet for satnding balconies . 3 feet for two people to sit. 6 to 8 feet for having dinner.


B)    Safety ------- Balconies are made for spending time outdoors but many mishapes have take place so at most safety railings to be provided for balconies.


C)    SOUND  ----- Balconies must  be designed in such a way that there is less traffic noise and should be pleasant to sit and relax.



D)   Reduce the wind -------- At top floors balconies are to windy to reduce the wind we can create a closed balconies. From having  glass shutters.


E)     The shadow effect ------- In summer shadow is required to be seated in balconies .north and south facing with deep balconies can get shadow easily . but east and west do not get sio we use curtains.


F)  Peace ------ Balconies are made  for  peacefully purpose. When we have two balconies facing each other  we put some frosted glass , railings etc.


 G)  Protection ------- Most balconies are protrude from the building and have glass railings/steel railings. On top floors glass railings provides good view. In lower floors opaque railings provide good protection from outside view. 

H)  Approach -------- Blocnies must be easy to access. They should be provided from living room or kitchen where every one will be easy to access. If it is form bedroom it is not good for guest to access.


I)View ------ Good view makes balconies good but do not worry  balconies are ment to be for spending time outdoors and not the view

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