

What is BIPV ?
   •Building materials that generate electricity.The principle of BIPV is that PV modules are incorporated into the building envelope, substituting standard glass and other cladding materials.This has the potential to result in environmental savings through the reduction of duplication of materials and shared functionality.It may also lead to cost savings over separate PV and building materials.


Solar Photovoltaic
Renewable, sustainable form of energy
Harmful effects on environment- ZERO Provide energy independence.Most abundant energy source available.Reduces the financial cost of electricity.Reduces Carbon Emission caused by the large thermal (coal-based) power plants. 
Components Of BIPV 
Silicon PV modules are embedded between a transparent protective layer and a functionally graded material (FGM) layer that is fabricated from a mixture of heat conducting aluminum and insulating high density polyethylene with water tubes cast within the FGM. Solar energy is collected by the PV modules in the form of PV electricity and heat energy. 
Due to high thermal conductivity of the upper part of the FGM, the heat in the PV modules is transferred into the FGM and is captured by the water flowing through the embedded tubes, so the modules’ temperature can be controlled and, thus, the PV efficiency can be optimized. 
A thermal resistive structural substrate is integrated into the composite system to provide structural support for FGM and PV elements. 

Benefits of Energy generation 
Increased PV efficiency – The water which flows through the panels controls the temperature of the PV elements and allows the PV module to operate at lower temperatures in the summer, maximizing efficiency and PV utilization.Free heating supply – The hot water produced can be directly utilized for radiant floor and/or ceiling heating, or other purposes. Reduced cooling demand – During the hot months, because of the    temperature control of water flow and the excellent thermal insulation  performance of the panel, increased indoor thermal comfort can be obtained and cooling demand can be significantly reduced. Efficient in all climates – When the nighttime ambient temperatures are still  too high to allow effective radiation of excess heat through the roof, a traditional fancoil unit will be used to efficiently reject the heat and cool the water. Snow and ice removal – In winter, warm water can be circulated to remove ice and snow from the roof, clearing the panels and restoring solar energy utilization. 

Generates power in situReduce air cooling costsReduce lightning costsNatural lighteningReduce peak demandIncreased occupancy rateIncreased rental rateIncreased real-estate valueAesthetically integrated PV
First the high cost of making and high requirement of technique and material make it difficult to be used widely. Second high cost of the sets is also a problem. The cost of making power by solar system is more than other common ways. Third the solar system is not very stable. It can be influenced by weather. Because the sun can not be there all the day.



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