


A unit in construction made by bonding either bricks, stone, or concrete blocks with the help of mortar is termed as masonary. 
depending upon the units bonded together using mortar the masonary is termed as brick masonary , stone masonary, concrete block masonary etc.

what is mortar

Mortar is a thin material made by mixing either cement and sand lime and sand or cement, lime and sand in paste form using adequate quanity of water . The mortar should be neither too harsh nor to thin to ensure adequate workability. mortar not only binds the building units like bricks, stone or concrete blocks together, but also fills up the usually cavities around them and make them act as a single unit.

Type of masonary work

1.Load bearing walls -

 these walls carry the load of the structure and hence should be strong enough to bear the imposed load .stone precast solid concrete block or thick brick masonary is generally used to construct load bearing walls.

2.NoN- Load bearing walls

Non load bearing walls these walls are also known as partition or curtain walls these walls are generally constructed in framed structures in framed structures the entire structural load is carried by a system of beam and column connections the walls are non load bearing under and are intended Just provide an enclosure and as a shield from external elements like Sun rain and wind since these are non load bearing walls they need not be of great strength think brick hollow concrete block machinery is sufficient for such kind of walls.

3.Retaining walls

This is a huge storm in case of other structures like bridges, hill roads, irrigation structures etc but as far as buildings in concerned this is a small wall constructed to retain the backfill usually Earth. And all external walls at plinth level may come under this category. In buildings the pressure from backfill is usually smaller and there is no possibility of tensile stresses to develop within the wall. So ordinary type of missionary sufficiently thick enough to retain the back will may be adopted.

Types of masonry
Depending upon the units bonded together the missionary is divided as,
1. Brick masonry
2. Stone missionary
3. Precast solid concrete block masonry
4. Precast hollow concrete block masonry
5. Solid wall tile masonry
6. Composite masonry
The usual type of missionary adapted for various building components is given

Type of building component              Type of masonry used

1. Load bearing walls     
   Plinth wall                                    Stone, solid concrete. Block or brick.
   Upper floor walls                         Stone, solid concrete. Block or brick.

2. Non load bearing walls   .

   External walls                              Brick, thin solid concrete. Blocks.
   Internal walls

3. Parapet wall                                Brick or block.

Rubble masonry 

In case of rubble masonry the stones received from the query are used without dressing. Excess projections are removed with the help of hammers. Tamil missionary is an inferior type of missionary and produces less strength as compared to ashlar masonry. Rubble masonry consumes lot of motor. Bones are irregular in shape the courses of stones will be wearing. Good friend the following points follow while constructing rubble masonry .
1. Good quality of motor should be used.

2. The stone should be roughly dressed so as to maintain uniform course height.

3. Stone should be used at frequent to have good bond between phrase and back.

4. The hollow spaces should be thoroughly filled with water and stone chippings.

5. Lacing courses should be should be late at suitable intervals to afford strength.

Rubble masonry can be divided into following categories

1. Uncoursed rubble masonry

2. Coursed rubble masonry

3. Random rubble masonry

4. Polygonal rubble masonry

5. Dry rubble masonry

Uncoursed rubble masonry 

The salient features of uncoursed rubble masonry are

1. This is the cheapest and which type of masonry.
2. The stones received from the query are used as it is with just knocking of
   weak corner.

3. There is no proper course. As far as possible continuous vertical joints are avoided.

4. Stones are provided at suitable intervals extending from space to back , if the thickness of wall is        too much, 60 cm, bonded stores overlapping Each Other suitable intervals are provided.

5. Roughly dressed stones are used at quoins. Alternative header and stretches are laid at quoins in         Alternative courses.

6. All the cavities around the undressed stones are filled up with motor and small stones.

7. The thickness of mortar joint shell generally not exceed 12 mm.

8. This type of machinery is used for ordinary work such as compound wall low cost house etc.

Random rubble masonry 

The salient features of random rubble masonry are.

1. This is slightly superior type of masonry than the uncoursed rubble masonry.

2. Stones roughly trust by chisel and hammer are used in this masonary Julie
   removing Shark arises and weak corners.

3. The course height is more or less uniform. but the sizes of stones are not

4. Stones are provided at frequent intervals to of afford strength.

5. Consist alternative courses of headers and stretchers.

6. The joint through not uniform, not exceed 21mm in thickness.

7 this kind of masonary is used for low cost housing.

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