

simple vastu rules
Here are a few simple principles that can be easily adapted for promoting peace and prosperity in one’s habilitation:
1. Balance the primary elements, that is, space, water, earth, fire and wind, of an area with the assistance of a Vaastu Guru.
2. Always orient to the cardinal directions i.e. North, South, West or East.
3. Orientation can also be based on your astrological sign.
4. Never orient to the angular directions i.e. North-East, North-West, South-East or South-West.
5. Have a compound wall on all the four sides.
6. Create a depression all along the boundary wall within the site by creating a green belt or flower path.
7. Elevate the building to three feet above road level.
8. De-activate the Paisacha zone (of negative energies) by keeping the compound walls away from the main building.
9. Mahadwara or the main door lets in the Pranavayu or the primary energies into the terrestrial habitation. The dimensions of the door should be carefully selected for proper flow of these energies into the building.
10. Keep the center of your building free of depressions, pillars, columns and water.
11. The center or the northeast of an area is ideal for a Puja room.
12. Let your daughters occupy the North-West rooms.
13. Elders can sleep with their heads to the South and the youngsters to the East. Turn to the right as you get up from your bed.
14. Patients and sick members of your family can occupy the North-East rooms.
15. Masters of the house can occupy the South and South-West rooms
16. Avoid the lunar months of Jyesta, Ashada, Bhadrapada, Ashwiyuja, Margasira, Pushya and Phalguna while laying the foundation of a building or a layout.
17. Lay your bore or dig a well when the constellations Revathi, Uttarabhadra, Hasta, Anuradha, Makha, Sravana, Rohini and Pushyami are rising.

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